Advice, Strategy, and Impact

Stornoway is available to consult with businesses, startups, and public sector organizations on corporate strategy and all forms of government/public relations. We have experience with venture capital, product development, and sub-sector research. We advise and represent clients on mission critical projects, public policy disputes, and business expansion. 

We are a collective of Advisors who come together on projects as needs arise ensuring you have the right talent for the project. Our clients are in the manufacturing, technology, government, and human-aid sectors. We provide exceptional advice, key connections, and strategies that that will help companies achieve their business goals.

Contact us to setup an initial consultation. 



We are currently working remotely due to COVID.


Revenue STRATEGies

We are well positioned to help you develop strategic partnerships and revenue. We have raised millions of dollars for capital, angel, and endowment funds. We invest in long-term engagement with established and emerging funding sources by taking a non-transactional approach.

Policy and governance

Statecraft and diplomacy rely on systems and policies to support the function of governments. We have worked with clients to develop campaigns and government relations strategies that support a variety of budget and policy interests.

Public Campaigns

Stornoway has developed public campaigns for both businesses and government, often raising awareness or engaging with grassroots influencers. We are able to increase the value of your brand, create influence, and strengthen your messaging.


From time to time a client just needs an external resource to manage a 4-12 month project, or serve in an interim role while new leadership is sought.

Some of our Advisors may be available to be retained for the life of the project or to fill the gaps as needed.